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Art & Science

In November 2018, I participated jointly with Kevin Lim, a young talented Panamanian artist, in a two-day interdisciplinary workshop “Flash LAB 2019”, organized by Estudio Nuboso (

Mosquito Team

The Mosquito Team is a group of scientists aiming at studying the ecology of Emerging Infectious Diseases of regional and global concern, elucidating the transmission dynamics of arthropod-borne zoonotic pathogens


There are numerous Smithsonian Institution fellowships that can be hosted at STRI, ranging from 10 weeks to three years, depending on the fellowship. These academic appointments are targeted to a range of young scholars from graduate students to senior post-doctoral researchers.

Jose R. Loaiza Ph. D.

I am a disease ecologist with expertise in vector-borne pathogens. I have a strong interest in viewing Emerging Infectious Diseases (EIDs) as a system incorporating human, animal and wildlife health, in the context of the environment. My focus combines ecological field-based studies with laboratory-based experiments of disease vectors.

Research Papers

Peer-reviewed Scientific Publications

COVID-19 in Latin America: novel transmission dynamics for a global pandemic ?. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases. In press.

Matthew J. Miller, Loaiza JR., Anshule Takyar, Robert H. Gilman.

Chikungunya Virus Genome Sequences from Bolivia. Microbiology Resource Announcements. 9:e00230-20.

Caio M. França, Roxana Loayza, Yelin Roca, Ana Maria Montaño Arias, Freddy Tinajeros, Loaiza JR., Anshule Takyar, Robert H. Gilman, Matthew J. Miller.

Agua Salud alphavirus defines a novel lineage of insect-specific alphaviruses discovered in the New World. Journal of General Virology. DOI 10.1099/jgv.0.001344.

Kyra Hermanns, Marco Marklewitz, Florian Zirkeld, Gijs J. Overheul, Rachel A. Page, Loaiza JR., Christian Drosten, Ronald P. van Rij, Sandra Junglen 2019.

Tempo and mode of allopatric divergence in the weakly electric fish Sternopygus dariensis in the Isthmus of Panama. Scientific Reports. 9:18828.

Celestino Aguilar, Matthew J. Miller, Loaiza JR., Luis F. De Leon. 2019.
Tempo and mode of allopatric divergence in the weakly electric

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